Tuesday, November 11, 2014

November 2014 VT Message

It's my month to give the message and since November is designated to 'pick a talk from General Conference,' I've chosen "Which Way Do You Face?" by Lynn G. Robbins of the Presidency of the Seventy. I love the tagline to this talk which says, "Trying to please others before pleasing God is like inverting the first and second commandments."

How true! Some people lower the standards God set when they get bullied or are peer pressured. Right is right no matter how many people say it's wrong. He said, "In Lehi’s dream, this fear was triggered by the finger of scorn pointed from the great and spacious building, causing many to forget which way they faced and to leave the tree “ashamed” (see 1 Nephi 8:25–28)."

He talks about having the courage to stand for what's right. "While it certainly takes courage to face perils, the true badge of courage is overcoming the fear of men." Then he said, "Courage is not just one of the cardinal virtues, but as C. S. Lewis observed: “Courage is … the form of every virtue at the testing point.” When faced with standing for what's right will we have courage and not be afraid of people or will we cave?

He said that some people's examples in the scriptures can give us courage to face our own experiences the same way:
  • Mormon: “Behold, I speak with boldness, having authority from God; and I fear not what man can do; for perfect love casteth out all fear” (Moroni 8:16; emphasis added).
  • Nephi: “Wherefore, the things which are pleasing unto the world I do not write, but the things which are pleasing unto God and unto those who are not of the world” (1 Nephi 6:5).
  • Captain Moroni: “Behold, I am Moroni, your chief captain. I seek not for power, but to pull it down. I seek not for honor of the world, but for the glory of my God, and the freedom and welfare of my country” (Alma 60:36)."
Elder Robbins said that the Savior always knew the direction He faced. "The Savior, the only perfect being who ever lived, was the most fearless. In His life, He was confronted by scores of accusers but never yielded to their finger of scorn. He is the only person who never once forgot which way He faced: “I do always those things that please [the Father]” (John 8:29; emphasis added), and “I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me” (John 5:30).

"Between 3 Nephi chapter 11 and 3 Nephi chapter 28, the Savior used the title Father at least 150 times, making it very clear to the Nephites that He was there representing His Father. And from John chapters 14 through 17, the Savior refers to the Father at least 50 times. In every way possible, He was His Father’s perfect disciple. He was so perfect in representing His Father that to know the Savior was also to know the Father. To see the Son was to see the Father (see John 14:9). To hear the Son was to hear the Father (see John 5:36). He had, in essence, become indistinguishable from His Father. His Father and He were one (see John 17:21–22). He flawlessly knew which way He faced.

"May His inspiring example strengthen us against the pitfalls of flattery from without or of conceit from within. May it give us courage to never cower or fawn at the feet of intimidation. May it inspire us to go about doing good as anonymously as possible and not “aspire to the honors of men” (D&C 121:35). And may His incomparable example help us always remember which is “the first and great commandment” (Matthew 22:38). When others demand approval in defiance of God’s commandments, may we always remember whose disciples we are, and which way we face."

It's my heartfelt belief that by studying the scriptures and emulating examples of the people mentioned in the scriptures we can have courage to stand for what's right and not cave.

Friday, March 28, 2014

The March 2014 VT Message

We visited our sisters this month and I really enjoying getting to know them. One has adult children and the other is raising children. They both have things that keep them busy. I love visiting them and have never been their VT before. I gave the message this month and my companion made the appointments. You know me, I typed my message. I'm also trying to be guided by the spirit and say what I feel impressed to say. My sisters can always read my message and the VT message on their own time because I give it to them.

This month, I felt really impressed to give them the "Ye are the light of the world..." quote, so I made a handout and put it in a picture frame to give to them along with the other messages.

Jesus Christ is the light of the world, but so are they. I wanted to encourage them to focus on Jesus Christ and his teachings, and remind them to lead others to spiritual safety. Click here to read the VT message.

My March 2014 Handout 
Here's my letter to my sisters:

March 2014
Dear Sister,

This month's visiting teaching message is called, "The Divine Mission of Jesus Christ: Light of the World". I love how Henry B. Eyring said: “Each time you choose to try to live more like the Savior, you will have your testimony strengthened. You will come in time to know for yourself that He is the Light of the World. … You will reflect to others the Light of Christ in your life.”

This life is unfair, but as we focus on Jesus Christ's teachings we can be a light to the world. We can show people how to have peace, and how to get to a spiritually safe place. Our lives are examples that cause people to wonder why we're the way we are, and our examples can cause them to want what we have.

Christ testified of His role as “the true light that lighteth every man [and woman] that cometh into the world” (D&C 93:2) and asked that we “hold up [His] light that it may shine unto the world” (3 Nephi 18:24).

There is much to fear when we focus on world events, but if we focus on the teachings of Jesus Christ and work on improving ourselves instead of giving our attention to life's problems we will have peace in our hearts.

The "What can I do?" questions caused me to think about the message because I wanted to answer the questions honestly. Please reflect on the questions and answer them as you consider the role of Jesus Christ in your life. It's easy to read the visiting teaching message then just forget about it. But we hope you'll take the time to ponder how you can be a light to the world.

Stand up for your beliefs and lead so that others will follow. I know that you want to have eternal life, and why not help others, who want it too, to work for it. Have the courage to press forward in faith when others have fear. If you will dare to be different from the millions of people who are the same, other people will follow you. Remember this scripture and know that it refers to you. "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." (Matthew 5:14-16)

In an unfair world, everyone has trials. It helps to focus on the teachings of Jesus Christ when trials come. His words offer hope. Following the light of Christ lets us hope that -we can improve and become the person God sees in us, -we can endure our trials and become greater people when we learn what our trials teach us. No matter what we face, hopefully we can achieve eternal life as we strive for it.

I know that following the light of Christ helps us focus on what's really important. We can spend a lifetime of developing things that don't matter; and can be taken away at any time (like handwriting, looks, and skills), and ignore the things that do matter; things that can never be taken away when they're a part of character (like love, patience, kindness, and mercy.) I want to focus only on the things that do matter and not develop the rest. Following the light of Christ helps me value who I am not just what I do.

Proverbs 4:7 says, 'Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.' I truly believe that we can get understanding and wisdom no matter what trials we face because they are blessings from God.

Following the light of Christ makes us feel at peace in a world of turmoil. We can lead others to that peace if we dare do it, and we can rise above our trials as we focus on what's really important.

We look forward to knowing you better, to serving you, and to becoming your great friends.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

I Love Visiting Teaching

I got my VT assignments today and two things:
  1. The sisters we will visit are great!
  2. I have the same companion!
I love the visiting teaching program. I love how each sister is watched over by another sister. I love how we visit our sisters and tell them how much we love them. I'm excited to VT our sisters and hope we can do it this month.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Seeing the Big Picture

My ward split and formed a new ward last month; I'm in the new ward. Many of my friends continued to attend their ward (that no longer includes me) and my new ward contains some people I don't know. The day I learned about my new ward, I sat at a crossroad: First road) Be sad and mourn my loss, or Second road) Be happy and look forward to one day calling the new people "friends".

I chose the second road although my heart ached for what I had once known. My mind told me, "Give it a chance" and it felt like the right thing to do. I can tell myself logical things like the church is growing, and change brings new opportunities, but despite the logic (and sorrow) I must choose how to be. The good thing is that even if I choose sadness I can change my mind and choose happiness. I'm not a house that forever and always is the same, I can change.

I don't know what the future will be but I do know that I can handle whatever it brings. I believe that the future will be bright. I also believe what Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right". My attitude determines how I see something. If I have an attitude of sadness, I'll see the worst. Likewise, if I have an attitude of happiness, I'll see the best. Either way, my attitude is up to me; and I can always change.

I love how Jesus Christ taught that people can change. I love how I might think a certain way but then when I learn something I might think a different way. For me this is true, "When you know better you do better". 

Stepping back seems to give me perspective when I see the big picture. The perspective I see is this: 1) No matter my ward, it's the same church, 2) My goal is to have eternal life and I can work toward that goal no matter my ward, 3) Strangers are just people who are not yet my friends. It seems like when change happens, the best thing to do is to remember the big picture.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Looking on the Bright Side

My VT companion reminded me that since she made the appointments to visit our sisters I needed to share the message - I forgot!

I read the VT message in the Ensign but nothing came to me and I wasn't "feelin' it." (Click here to read the December VT message.) I started to write and it turns out that my message had nothing to do with the one I read.

December can be a hard month for people; a lot of them feel depressed amid the cheerfulness. I wanted to say that when we look on the bright side of situations we feel hope.

Here's my letter to my sisters:

December 2012

Dear Sister,

This has nothing to do with this month’s lesson, but I felt impressed to tell you it.

I love this quote by Marjorie Hinckley, "The only way to get through life is to laugh. You either have to laugh or cry. I'd prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache."

It's better to look on the bright side of life rather than on the dark side. I love these truths: The cup is half full, not half empty. Things are never hopeless because there's always hope. Happiness rather than sadness. Good trumps bad. Right not wrong.

Nevertheless, everyone has agency and can choose. Why not choose the good; the right; happiness; hope? Things don't always go our way but we can choose whether or not to allow ourselves to get down in the dumps. Sometimes we need a reminder to be grateful, or to count our blessings, or to think positively because the world tends to be negative (and take the path of least resistance) including being selfish, depressed, anxious, rude, unkind, lustful, and greedy. We have to choose to serve, to be kind, to love, to be happy, to have faith, to wait, and to give, because the natural man naturally does the opposite. When we attempt to be godly we combat the natural man. 

A mom will do anything for her kids - the best thing she can do is teach by example. All she can do is encourage, inspire, teach, and pray. Sometimes all she can do is pray and put the thing she prays for in Heavenly Father's hands. Maybe to her it seems like her encouragement, inspiration, and teaching isn't working. A mom never gives up hoping her kids will choose the right, but it might also increase her faith to remember that her child is also Heavenly Father's child and He wants that person to succeed too.

I'd rather say something nice than something derogatory about myself. I like, "I had to have a handicap because I'm too cool; my handicap makes it fair for everyone else!" Why not instill hope rather than fear? I am reminded of the poem "Our Greatest Fear" by Marianne Williamson. 

Our Greatest Fear

Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,
but that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not just in some; it is in everyone.

And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give
other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

We truly love you and are your friends.


We visited our sisters in October and reminded them that honoring the covenants we've made is important.

We mostly chatted but then I shared my message with them just before we left. Taleen has always read my message for me, but I gave a talk in church in August and she said, "You sounded fine! I think you can read your own message from now on." October was the first month since we've been companions (starting in February) that I've read my own message. Taleen is a great blessing in my life and encourages me to do things I didn't think I could.

Click here to read the October VT message.

Here's my letter to my sisters:

Oct 2012

Dear Sister,

The first thing I did after reading the Visiting Teaching message about covenants was to look up what covenants I’ve made. As far as I can tell, there are two: 1) baptismal covenant and 2) temple covenants. These covenants pertain to eternal life. I want to have eternal life; therefore, I will honor my covenants. That means taking the sacrament every week and doing the promises I’ve made in the temple.

Have you ever thought of the sacrament as having to do with eternal life? In the sacrament prayer it says that if we do the things we pray for, the Lord will pour out his spirit upon us. I’m glad the Lord will bless me right now, but think about this too: if we’re obedient to taking the sacrament every week, we’re one step closer to gaining eternal life.

We encourage you to read what the Lord has promised to those who keep their covenants. Read the scriptures and talks listed in the VT message and realize what the Lord wants to give you.

My covenants with the Lord strengthen me because without them I couldn’t have eternal life. Realizing this makes me feel grateful to the Lord that He promised eternal life to me based on my faithfulness. I don’t mean being saved (we all get that because Jesus rose from the dead,) I mean being exalted and living in the celestial kingdom (we get that based on our faithfulness not just because we’re members of the church.)

We encourage you to take the sacrament, attend the temple, and do your best to faithfully honor your covenants. Take a step back from your life and think about what you ultimately want, then do what you can to get it.

We love you and hope you get your dreams.

The Feeling of Belonging

I searched the words "relief society" in Pintrest, and as I looked at the results I felt a definite sense of gratitude. I felt happy to know I belonged to a group of women and to a church that cares about me. People in my ward know who I am and functions in the church (like home teaching and visiting teaching) mean that someone will visit me. As a member of my church, my name is on a list somewhere.

It gives me comfort to know that no matter where I go in the world, when I tell the church I live there, they'll become my family. What a great blessing it is to know that I'm not forgotten.