Sunday, April 1, 2012

April 2012 General Conference

Wow! What a great conference. I'm glad that I took notes because there's no way I would have remembered a lot of it. We have conference every six months, and I look forward to it more and more. Here are my favorite quotes said over the past two days:

It's possible to be active in the church but inactive in the gospel. -Donald L. Hallstrom
Have the love of Christ. - Paul E. Koelliker
The only thing that matters is the race against sin. -Jeffrey R. Holland
God's concern is that you have faith, not when you got it. -Jeffrey R. Holland
Follow this sermon regarding contention: Stop it! -Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Our degree of gratitude is our measure of love for God. -Russell M. Nelson
If you noticed a person was drowning would you ask if they needed help? -Ronald L. Raspband
True doctrine is easy to understand, even to a child. -D. Todd Christofferson
When faced with trials we focus on what is really important. -President Thomas S. Monson
Listen to the word of God, not the world. -L. Tom Perry
The church serves as a catalyst to seek the good in the world. -M. Russell Ballard
Teach children to establish their own connection to heaven. -Larry Y. Wilson
All are loved. All are welcomed. -Larry Y. Wilson
Never delay a prompting. -President Thomas S. Monson
Discipleship is not a competition AT all but an invitation TO all. -Neil L. Andersen
If you're on the road to discipleship, you are on the right road. -Neil L. Andersen
What does Christ think of me? -Neil L. Andersen